Wednesday, January 23, 2013

culture n: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively

Found in the Oxford Dictionary, this is what the entry on culture reads.  Although this is the world-wide accepted definition, in my opinion the term "culture" is defined throughout the world endlessly.  Culture is a word encompassing vast amounts of definitions and thoughts.  In fact, I believe that there is no one clear cut definition of the word.  From classic culture to pop culture, the ideas and framework of the word are infinite.  Ask a person from past decades and they might tell you culture is something along the lines of what you would find among the pages of the classic Moby Dick or writings of the great William Shakespeare.  Today, however, views on culture are expanding at an exponential rate, especially since the turn of the century.  I believe that culture includes every aspect of our lives, surrounding us entirely.  The written books and records are merely just touching on its entirety.  In Aimé Césaire’s Martinique Writer speaking to the World Congress of Black Writers and Artists in Paris, it is said that culture expresses something "large and unwieldy" and is unfolded in the way we live our lives day to day.  It is becoming increasingly more and more important in this day and age to become a cultured individual, or in other words understanding those around you who lead different lifestyles.  Although they might not be completely understood, they must be accepted in order for our world to be a compatible place.  I am a firm believer that it is our job and duty as worldly citizens to open ourselves and increase our knowledge in other areas and cultures to become a more involved, cultured individual.


  1. Drawing on your final point. How would you encourage others to accept other cultures? Even if you say that culture should be inclusive, people are always going to deny certain things. It is sad but true.

    How I would go about this would be to educate the youths as much as possible through school visits and get the help of any church officials to help sponsor events at promoting cultural awareness.

    I do agree that culture as you said it is dynamic, what might have been viable for humans in a certain day and age may not be there tomorrow. Only a small echo may be there of what was part of the culture, but no doubt that remnant means something.

  2. I totally agree with you that it is our job as citizens of a vast and powerful country to be well cultured. I feel that currently as a whole we are not. If we were more cultured I feel like our world would be a much bigger place with new innovation all over. I think this mostly because it takes many different types of cultures to make almost any product in production today. I have no idea what we need to do as a society to help make us more cultured. People have told me that when they go on immersion trips they feel cultured. Maybe actually being in another culture's shoes is what it will take to make our society cultured.

  3. I definitely agree with your thoughts on culture being such a vast term. It's such an important part of society that it cannot be enclosed and constricted to one set definition.

    Your statement on being cultured as being understanding of those who live other lifestyles is also very well said and I 100% agree with you.
